RoboFix - EN

Želiš izdelek vrniti ali zamenjati?

Pri omogočamo enostavna vračila, menjave ali uveljavljanje garancije. Enostavno izpolni vodnik za vračila in menjave:

Želim vračilo ali menjavo

Iščeš Garancijski list?

Garancijski list za izdelek najdeš na spodnji povezavi. Za uveljavljanje garancije sicer zadostuje samo predložitev računa.

Izjava o Skladnosti

Izjavo o skladnosti CE tega izdelka najdeš na dnu tega dokumenta.




  • Take vent holder and insert it into the back of the holder
  • Use the nut bolt provided to secure the holder and to set the angle
  • Insert the cable into your holder, the other end should be inserted into a car charger
  • Bring your device closer to the holder, so the clamps open completely
  • The holder is equipped with a sleep mode function, which prevents unnecessary power usage when not in use
  • Sleep mode also prevents repetitive opening and closing when removing or inserting your phone because of activity around the sensor, which remains active for 5 seconds after the clamps open or close
  • Press the button on top of the holder to wake it from sleep mode at any time, and by doing so open or close the clamps
  • Insert your device and let the clamps contract completely
  • Remove device by touching the top of the holder, this will release the clamps


  • Remove the protective foil from the bottom of the handle arm
  • Mount the handle on your dashboard
  • Use the nut bolt provided to secure the holder and to set the angle
  • Bring your device closer to the holder, so the clamps open completely
  • The holder is equipped with a sleep mode function, which prevents unnecessary power usage when not in use
  • Sleep mode also prevents repetitive opening and closing when removing or inserting your phone because of activity around the sensor, which remains active for 5 seconds after the clamps open or close
  • Press the button on top of the holder to wake it from sleep mode at any time, and by doing so open or close the clamps
  • Insert your device, and let the clamps contract completely
  • Remove device by touching the top of the holder, this will release the clamps


Problem 1.
Vent holder keeps falling off.

Possible causes 1.
Your vent rack is not compatible (only compatible with horizontal and vertical vent holders)
or Your device is too heavy.

Problem 2.
Clamps open by themselves, even when no device is present.

Possible causes 2.
An object is interfering with the IR sensor, please remove all nearby devices.

Problem 3.
The clamps will not open.

Possible causes 3.
The holder is not plugged in to a power source.
or The charger you are using is not strong enough. We recommend using a car charger with at least 2.4A output.
or Your cable is not inserted correctly.
or The holder is in sleep mode. Press the button on top of the holder to wake it up, and it should function normally.


EAN: 0610731796358
Clamp opening width: 54-104mm
Compatible devices: 4-6.5 inch mobile phones
Product material: ABS
Size: 106*68*14mm
Weight: 102g
Charging: Micro USB
Certificates of conformity: CE/FCC/RoHS


  • Product is compliant with the RoHS, WEE and CE directives.
  • The symbol on the side (crossed out trash bin) warns the product must not be disposed alongside other household waste, but should be disposed of at a collection center. The list of collection centers is provided to you by your public waste disposal service.
  • Keep the device away from sources of heat and direct sunlight exposure. If the devices starts to overheat, transfer it to a colder place and do not use it until it cools down.
  • Do not leave the device in places where the temperature may exceed 45°C.
  • When exposed to excessive temperatures, the lifetime of the device may be reduced.
  • If the product gets wet stop charging immediately and dry the product thoroughly.
  • Beware of excessive drops, dents, holes and deformations.
  • Contains small particles that may present a choking hazard.
  • If uncertain how to proceed, please turn off the device and contact our support.
  • Use attached components to get the best experience.
  • #01 PET - Polyethylene terephthalate.

Additional safety informating for safe use and extending product life:

  • We advise you to use a ventilation slot holder in the hottest months, which will position the device away from the direct sun.
  • Do not leave the device while charging at places exposed to direct sunlight.

Navodila za recikliranje in odlaganje

Ta oznaka pomeni, da izdelka po vsej EU ni dovoljeno odvreči med ostalegospodinjske odpadke. Za preprečevanje morebitne škode za okolje ali zdravje ljudi zaradi nenadzorovanega odlaganja odpadkov odgovorno reciklirajte in stem spodbujajte trajnostno uporabo materialnih virov. Če želite uporabljeno napravovrniti, uporabite sistem za vračilo ali kontaktirajte prodajalca, kjer ste napravo kupili. Prodajalec lahko napravo reciklira na okolju prijazen način

Izjava distributerja, da izdelek ustreza zahtevam veljavnih direktiv EU

ES – Izjava o skladnosti


izjavljamo, da je proizvod

RoboFix - EN
skladen z Direktivo 2014/53/EU.

Kontakt prodajalca:

INFO številka

041 736 736

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