ElastiHold - EN

Želiš izdelek vrniti ali zamenjati?

Pri gizzmo.si omogočamo enostavna vračila, menjave ali uveljavljanje garancije. Enostavno izpolni vodnik za vračila in menjave:

Želim vračilo ali menjavo

Iščeš Garancijski list?

Garancijski list za izdelek najdeš na spodnji povezavi. Za uveljavljanje garancije sicer zadostuje samo predložitev računa.

Izjava o Skladnosti

Izjavo o skladnosti CE tega izdelka najdeš na dnu tega dokumenta.


Congratulations on the purchase of ElastiHold! We ask that you carefully read the following instruction manual and follow it when installing transmitter.

1. Installation

  • Insert the provided backplate to the holder by gently pressing them together and pushing down(top of the backplate should be indicated with a small circular hole indicating the top).
  • With the backplate mounted on your holder, screw them both, with the provided nut bolt, on the handlebar clamp.
  • Adjust the angle and finish securing the clamp with the holder.
  • To secure ElastiHold on your handlebar simply turn the screw to tighten the hold.
  • Place your phone on the handle and use the elastics to additionally secure your device.

2. Troubleshooting

Please refer below for troubleshooting:

Problem 1.
ElastiHold moves around too much.

Possible cause 1.
Secure your ElastiHold on a non-slip rubber band rather than directly on your bare handlebar.
Or Elastihold is not properly secured, please check all bolts and screws.

3. Technical specifications

  • Completely universal and compatible with all phones and bicycles.
  • Size: 107 * 68 * 110 mm.
  • Weight: 146g.
  • Color: black.

4. Safety notices

  • Product is compliant with the RoHS, WEE and CE directives.
  • The symbol on the side (crossed out trash bin) warns the product must not be disposed alongside other household waste, but should be disposed of at a collection center. The list of collection centers is provided to you by your public waste disposal service.
  • Beware of excessive drops, dents, holes and deformations.
  • Contains small particles that may present a choking hazard.
  • If uncertain how to proceed, please contact our support.
  • Use attached components to get the best experience.
  • #01 PET - Polyethylene terephthalate

Navodila za recikliranje in odlaganje

Ta oznaka pomeni, da izdelka po vsej EU ni dovoljeno odvreči med ostalegospodinjske odpadke. Za preprečevanje morebitne škode za okolje ali zdravje ljudi zaradi nenadzorovanega odlaganja odpadkov odgovorno reciklirajte in stem spodbujajte trajnostno uporabo materialnih virov. Če želite uporabljeno napravovrniti, uporabite sistem za vračilo ali kontaktirajte prodajalca, kjer ste napravo kupili. Prodajalec lahko napravo reciklira na okolju prijazen način

Izjava distributerja, da izdelek ustreza zahtevam veljavnih direktiv EU

ES – Izjava o skladnosti


izjavljamo, da je proizvod

ElastiHold - EN
skladen z Direktivo 2014/53/EU.

Kontakt prodajalca:


INFO številka

041 736 736

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